So praise God i hang out with a lot of friends that
have something huge in common:
So Saturday at 10:00PM we decided to head to Colorado.
Eventually at 11:45PM we got on the road.
And we drove on I-70.
Went to far.
Finally made it to highway 40.
Stopped the car on highway 40 at about 3:45AM.
Got out. Laid a blanket in the highway.
Looked at stars for thirty minutes.
**The most amazingly beautiful stars i have ever seen in my life. There were no cars, no lights anywhere. i saw 4 shooting stars. It was exhilarating.**
Got back in the car.
Made it to Colorado Springs at 7:00AM.
Went to Pikes Peak.
Took a nap in a park.
Ate lunch.
Tire problems.
Took three hours from Salina to Manhattan.
Came home.
24-hour trip to Colorado and back.
Totally worth it.
3When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalms 8
have something huge in common:
So Saturday at 10:00PM we decided to head to Colorado.
Eventually at 11:45PM we got on the road.
And we drove on I-70.
Went to far.
Finally made it to highway 40.
Stopped the car on highway 40 at about 3:45AM.
Got out. Laid a blanket in the highway.
Looked at stars for thirty minutes.
**The most amazingly beautiful stars i have ever seen in my life. There were no cars, no lights anywhere. i saw 4 shooting stars. It was exhilarating.**
Got back in the car.
Made it to Colorado Springs at 7:00AM.
Went to Pikes Peak.
Took a nap in a park.
Ate lunch.
Tire problems.
Took three hours from Salina to Manhattan.
Came home.
24-hour trip to Colorado and back.
Totally worth it.
3When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalms 8
Colo spgs for life!
and you forgot to mention the mandolin. let's be honest, that might have been the most important part.
Mandolin... bark.
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